Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association

MEMBER MOMENTS: MGB’s Hospital at Home Program for Veterans

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On Monday, November 18, Mass General Brigham will launch the first-of-a-kind effort to test home hospital programs in a shelter setting. It’s partnering with Ariadne Labs and Boston’s New England Center and Home for Veterans.

The system’s effort was reported in the Boston Business Journal this week.

“MGB is calling the program a new pathway to care for the veterans, allowing for hospital-level care in a comfortable and familiar environment,” reporter Isabel Hart wrote. “Patients in the program are seen at least twice a day and are remotely monitored 24 hours a day.”

Many Massachusetts hospitals are attempting to expand their hospital at home programs to bring care closer to where people live, while reducing the capacity at the overburdened hospitals. However, on December 31, the waiver that has assisted acute inpatient hospital-at-home programs ends unless Congress reauthorizes it or a similar program. That priority is one of a number of healthcare issues that the “lame-duck” Congress may, or may not, act on before the Continuing Resolution that funds the government, and the 118th Congress itself, ends.