Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association

MEMBER MOMENTS: ED Upgrade at Beth Israel Deaconess Plymouth

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This article in the Boston Business Journal on Wednesday discusses how Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth is undertaking a $50 million renovation of its 31-year-old emergency department.

In its determination of need filing with the state, BID Plymouth notes that the ED was built to accommodate 25,000 patients, but last year the facility served 43,609 patients, or 75% more patients than the space was designed for.

“Because the ED is undersized to meet current demand,

the hospital’s ED has experienced a 696% increase in wait times and a 209% increase in patients who leave without being seen since FY2020,” BID Plymouth wrote.

The BBJ notes that, “The hospital is proposing an addition of more than 8,000 square feet, which would create space for new private treatment rooms, a 16-room behavioral health unit, a trauma room and more clinical support space. If approved, the hospital would have 67 treatment beds in the emergency department.”

Keeping ahead of growing patient populations and deteriorating physical plant is a challenge all hospitals across the state are facing. The wear and tear on buildings that are used 24/7/365 is significant — and costly.