Demonstrating Value Through Data: Case Management Style
This event has concluded.
July 25, 2024 | 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Senior Technology Consultant Jeff Echternach will provide insights and examples on the use of data to demonstrate the value and influence of case management. He will review the key metrics for case management practice and influence, and how to verbalize and visualize these to the C-Suite and others. Jeff will offer insights into the development of an ROI (return on investment) for the case management team to ensure resources are available for this critical discipline.
If you are experiencing any difficulties with the site or registration, please email Sara Ramon at or Laurie Snelson at for assistance. In your correspondence, please include the registrant’s name, title, organization, and email for confirmation.
FAX 781-262-6136
MAIL – Check Payable to MHA
MHA Education Department
500 District Ave.
Burlington, MA 01803-5096
NEW from MHA and The Center for Case Management
This series, brought to you by MHA and the Center for Case Management, provides case managers, social workers, and care transitions team members with the opportunity to hone and adopt best-practice strategies that ensure standardized, evidence-based, contemporary practice.
This is part five of a seven-part series, with six virtual and one in-person events. Interested enrollees can purchase one course, or all seven. For additional information, questions, and registration, please contact MHA’s Sara Ramon.
$99/pp Virtual Events
$199/pp In- Person Events
$694/pp Full Bundle
Cancellation Policy (for in-person events only): Full refunds will be recognized when cancellations occur at least 5 business days prior to an in-person event. Any cancellation notices received after this time will result in $50 administrative fee. To avoid this penalty, you may send someone in your place by forwarding their full name, title and email address to the Director of Healthcare Education, Amy Smalarz at No shows will be responsible for payment in full.