Affordable care is a top priority for MHA members, who understand that the cost of healthcare is directly linked to accessible, equitable care for patients.

Massachusetts has a nationally renowned infrastructure to measure and address cost trends, including dedicated state agencies and public hearings centered around care affordability. Hospitals and health systems are active participants in this process, and are committed to building a healthcare system that leaves no patient behind.

Key State Agencies & Initiatives

Health Policy Commission

The HPC is an independent state agency charged with monitoring health care spending growth in Massachusetts and providing data-driven policy recommendations regarding health care delivery and payment system reform.

Center for Health Information & Analysis

CHIA is an independent state agency that provides objective analysis of the quality, affordability, utilization, and access to the Mass. health care system.

The Cost Growth Benchmark

MHA and our members are strongly committed to a statewide benchmarking tool that can accurately reflect annual cost trends — including the new pressures that patients and healthcare providers are facing.

Read MHA’s latest Cost Growth Benchmark testimony >